如人嗜刃蜜 貪欲無饜足 感樂寂滅果 求彼
如人嗜刃蜜 貪欲無饜足 感樂寂滅果 求彼何需足
People are constantly striving to achieve some kind of pleasure but the sense pleasures that we want so much are said to be like honey on the edge of a razor, like a razor blade. So of course the honey is sweet, we like the taste of the honey, but if you lick honey off of a razor blade, your tongue is going to get cut. And so even though you got to taste the honey, which was sweet, the loss of having your tongue be cut by a razor is greater than the profit of tasting the honey. And so all of the pleasures that we experience are very similar to this. Not much is gained from experiencing them, and what we go through to have that experience often we could say, it’s dangerous, in a certain sense, it’s painful.
And not only that but we’re never satisfied by experiencing a certain kind of pleasure, it’s not that we feel that we’ve had enough, and we don’t need to experience any pleasure any more, rather the more pleasures we enjoy, the more we want to keep experiencing pleasure, and so it’s said that sense pleasures are like drinking salt water. If we’re thirsty and we drink salty water, rather than quenching our thirst, it’s going to make us more thirsty. It keeps going like this and we never actually get any kind of satisfaction.
~ 入菩薩行論 The Way of Bodisattva